A review by gerireads
Don't Deny Me, Part Three by Megan Hart


3.5 stars!

"It's either going to be the greatest love story ever told, or the greatest tragedy."

Not quite, Alice. I did like their love story and I think their chemistry was sizzling but this final installment fell flat for me. It's not really bad. I was just expecting something different. More angst perhaps? Regardless, this one didn't wow me.

The last installment, and while part 2 showed us Mick and Alice 10 years ago, this installment is set in the present.

Mick made his grand gesture (or so he thought) and asked for a second chance. He really wants Alice and he acknowledges that he broke her in the past. He feels that this time, things are going to be different. He's older and he's learned his lessons.

Alice still wants Mick but she's wary, and for good reason. She's not entirely convinced that Mick has changed. But she gave Mick a chance because she cannot deny she still has feelings for him. So despite the niggling doubt in her head, she got involved again but this time, she'll try not to fall for him that hard again.

Like I said, I enjoyed this one, and liked it enough but the wow factor wasn't there. I did love their confrontation scene. I never thought I would feel for Mick but I did.

Also, I liked that their problem was quite simple. As readers, you'd be able to recognize and pinpoint their problem very easily but the characters are quite clueless. This is why I felt frustrated with both Mick and Alice at times, because I already know what's "wrong" with them but they don't seem to have a clue. It probably would have worked more for me had this been written in 1st person POV with only Alice as the narrator. That way, I wouldn't be privy to Mick's thoughts and know exactly where he stands with Alice. Knowing his feelings and seeing his actions coupled with Alice's reactions added to my frustration.

Despite my personal issues, I would still recommend this series. I would suggest that you wait for all the installment to be release.

An ARC was provided by St. Martin's Griffin in exchange for an honest review.