A review by whatathymeitwas
Remains by Andrew Cull


This book was a suckerpunch. Straight to the gut. Like many others said, it started a little slow, but once it picks up, you aren't slowing down or taking a moment to breathe any time soon.

I would go into this as blind as possible, I knew the basic blurb but avoided all reviews before reading, the worst possible thing is seeing a spoiler for a horror novel. I read this in one night, snuggled into bed next to my toddler. By the end I didn't want to put my feet on the ground because of the darkness under my bed, and I cuddled my kiddo that much tighter.

If you have kids, this will resonate hard and painfully, and fill you with absolute dread and instinctive terror, it might leave you wondering what if's anytime your kids leave the house. If you're an empathetic person, you'll be hurting along with the characters, inching through the darkness with them, holding your breath with every step.

I don't really give five stars. I read a lot of books and most tend to fall in the three star range. My five stars tend to go towards the lines of Stephen King and Shirley Jackson and Clive Barker and the like. But this book holds its own easily, and for being a quick one night read, it packs a hell of a punch and the impact will ring through your teeth.