A review by frankvanmeer
Rabbits of the Apocalypse by Benny Lawrence


Casey, my kind of heroine. With a sense of humor so black it makes a black hole shine, and so completely and utterly cinical and sarcastic, her words are so sharp they are able to split atoms.

In the 23rd century, when life has gone to all to hell and it's survival of the fittest, Casey makes do in an out of the way settlement with the odd job here and there and looking out for her sister Emily. She has done and seen it all during a trek through the wildernis with her trusty sidekick Malice, and at the moment, her biggest concern for the day is at what time they should get drunk.

The tone of the novel is set with the very first sentences, when her sister proclaims the town is under attack from aliens. Well, thank god, Casey says. Finally something to worry about. Of course, it's worse than aliens, as the League blockades the town and prepares for a search.

Enter Pax, and Casey is smitten with her, but for all her bravado and spunk, she dares not act upon that attraction, much to the dismay of Malice. Words fly, and there was actually a moment where I snorted my coffee through my nose, because I made the mistake of drinking while reading. I never laughed so much.

I think the first half of the book is the best. It's a laugh a minute, yet at the same time we get to see the utter bleakness of existence. The second half lost a bit of that, because it is only Pax and Casey then.

My favorite:

So we joined one of the wildest street parties and I took a few shots of hooch so strong that I all but started to speak in tongues. Infortunatley, Emily showed up and I had to try and keep her following my example. That meant that Malice and I had to drink any booze that came near her and before it reached her lips. We did our best. For the children.
