A review by jelomath
Hold Me Closer, Necromancer by Lish McBride

Did not finish book.
Read 27 September 2023 - DNF
So, I tried this. I LOVED Curses and thought this would be a similar romp. No. Not only do we start with adolescent boys working in a fast food restaurant, but we have multiple instances of violence against women and I am not here for any of that. No thank you. Not gonna be a romp, unfortunately.

I will, instead, read another collaboration between Amber Ruffin and Lacey Lamar, The World Record Book of Racist Stories. Will still involve violence against women, but these two women are so talented in delivering the medicine with some sugar. That is a place I can be comfortable. I mean. That sounds bad. But I can read that book without wanting to skip or avoid or bail. That is what I mean. As a white person, should NEVER be comfortable!
I am going to step aside from this book and just reflect a bit on my reading journey. I spent about the last year, at least a good portion of the last year, prior to being moved into the house, not reading. And agonizing a bit about not reading, but also being pretty complacent about not reading. And then I found a couple things that pulled me back in, real hard. And that is great. There is nothing better than having books to read I am super excited about. I always remember Marian of Anne Bishop looking for something to do during the day and telling herself she could read, but no, a good book is best savored in the evening. I always want to be in a book that has me looking forward to bedtime so I can read more, though I do also read during the day. But still. That is my constant aspiration.
And it’s great when that does all line up. But it makes things frustrating and difficult when I am not in that space. Another thing about me is I often want to have the next book lined up, even before I have finished the current book. But I think that actually makes me rush through things more than necessary. So I need to find more ways to be chill about my “to read” list and what is coming next. There are things I could revisit. That is always there on the back burner. If needed. But also, I should just be content with what is coming. There is this second Amber and Lacey book, which I missed until now. I think it was published a year ago! 🫤 And then there is an Erin Beaty coming next week. Alexis Hall two weeks later. I just need to be content to have what I have.
And, honestly, I been thinking about rereading some portion of Mercy? I have no idea when the next one will be, there is no publication date. But also, stepping back to the beginning is becoming difficult for me. There is so much that is problematic. And I am just happy when Mercy and Adam are together and Samuel is absent. So I might pick a spot later than the beginning? But I am not sure. Because I have done these books so many times, the negative emotions are perhaps more than I can handle. I love the journey and I love the Mercy of it all, of course, but the violence and the evil are perhaps more than I want to deal with. And the vamp of it all is way more than I want to deal with.
So, we will see what happens there. But, more than anything, I just want to find calm and chill about what is coming next. And perhaps look for more things outside the box of my typical fantasy/romance type pursuit. I want some witchy stuff for hallowe’en, but there isn’t much that is good. Perhaps I will re-read the Sangu Mandanna because that one is just classic. Chill and calm. 😐