A review by kara_hildebrand
The Bachelor Auction by Rachel Van Dyken


4.5 Hearts
The Bachelor Auction is the first book in the Bachelors of Arizona series. I couldn't be a bigger fan of Rachel Van Dyken if I tried. I've read all of her books and I love them all for very different reasons. The Bachelor Auction is a little different Rachel book. Yes, this is a modern take on Cinderella but it's also more sexual and more adult than some of her other books.
Brock is trying to run his family business. He's thirty-five years old, but he's never let himself have fun. That's what his twin brothers are for. They are fun, crazy, womanizers who make Brock's life a living hell sometimes. Their grandfather comes up with a scheme to help the company with their publicity issues. A bachelor auction and Brock is the first to be auctioned off. On a rare night when he's not the usual boring Brock, he meets a sweet, beautiful stranger, Jane. She breaks her shoes and is whisked away by Brock. She can't help but be instantly attracted to him. His smell, his face, the caring way he handles her. And the way he gets her new shows. Really pretty, expensive shoes. But it's too much to take and she runs. Brock needs to find her. There's something about her that got under his skin and he needs to see her again. Jane runs a cleaning company and is hired for a job out of town. Just when she almost forgets about Brock he show ups where she's working. And he's not leaving. Their attraction grows more and more every day. He's sexy and has a dirty mouth, but he's no prince. So, Jane has to deal with sexy Brock, an ass, a cock and Brock's crazy twin brothers. Brock wants Jane. More than anything he's ever wanted, but he's about to be auctioned to the highest bidder. How is this his life? Being back in his childhood home is bringing back memories he doesn't want to face. Can Jane help him move on? Will Brock go through with the auction and leave Jane behind? I enjoyed this story. Brock and Jane have hilarious banter and I loved the twins. I might be looking forward to their stories more than I was looking forward to this one!

"You know, once you go Brock you never go back."
"It would be bad enough if there were only one of you, but there's two. Literally."

"Good, then you have two minutes to remove every stitch of clothing on your body and meet me in my room."
"What, no please?"
"Now. Please."

"Only a complete idiot would walk out of this room right now."
"Which is why it's so surprising you're still here."

"I thought so."