A review by amsully
Loving the Marquess by Suzanna Medeiros


2 stars!

Both Louisa and Nicholas have reasons for marrying before it's too late. Louisa has money problems, with no promising prospects of marriage or a steady income. Nicholas on the other hand, believes his family is plagued by an illness, one that he cannot escape and decides not to have children. But with expectations of marrying and an heir, Nicholas has to rethink his future.

My thoughts:
In the beginning, Nicholas is very arrogant and I tried my best not to judge his character too early. Nicholas and Louisa's relationship throughout the book is based on lust, and they barely bond over anything? No conservations about likes, family, life etc. I was expecting more from this, especially when they're expected to attend the ball. I'm pretty sure Louisa bonded more with Kerrick, and to be honest Kerrick's personality was refreshing and charismatic compared to Nicholas.

When Nicholas had something in mind for Louisa and Kerrick, and revealed his plans to both of them, I wanted to internally cringed so hard. What is funny about this situation, both Louisa and Kerrick use it as an opportunity for Nicholas to reveal his truth intentions and affections to Louisa, but during this whole part of the book, it made Nicholas look insecure, whiny and extremely annoying. Usually I love the tension the jealousy adds, but Nicholas took so long to act on it.

I loved the side characters though! Especially Louisa's siblings (Catherine and John), Kerrick and the grandmother.

I (sort of) predicted the ending, I lost interest in the book at this point and talking about endings, what even was that? With the chaotic ending, predictable plot twists and the truth of the illness revealed, it truly showed how naive the main characters were. First Nicholas trusted his cousins, despite his hesitation allowing them to walk freely in his estate. The scene with the leeches and poisonous plants were hard to read, knowing how naive Nicholas was to the whole situation, believing he truly had an illness. And Edward restocking the brandy supply for Nicholas, knowing how bad the effects were for him...

Overall, the beginning had potential but towards the end, I was very frustrated with the characters and ridiculous plot twists.

Buddy read with Laura