A review by peanotsilent
Some Must Watch by Ethel Lina White


This book uses its atmosphere well- too well. I had to stop and take deep breaths every few pages. The tension builds from the beginning, and the setting is appropriately thrilling.

So it is a bit of a let down that the obvious murderer is obvious, at least half way through the book. The lack of the surprise factor and the very expected conclusion did mar the reading experience significantly. Also, perhaps we did not need the inner thought of some of the characters to such an extent. It did not add anything, at least anything which had not been added already.

(I kept on wondering if this was similar to [a:Anthony Berkeley|246785|Anthony Berkeley|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1408927615p2/246785.jpg]'s [b:The Poisoned Chocolates Case|1946070|The Poisoned Chocolates Case (Roger Sheringham Cases, #5)|Anthony Berkeley|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1433746207l/1946070._SY75_.jpg|1948852], where a previous short story's solution would be a red herring (read [b:The Unlocked Window|35710512|The Unlocked Window|Ethel Lina White|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1513395535l/35710512._SX50_.jpg|57210191], people!) in a longer work. I think it was? Not that it takes away anything from the book.)

But it is still a deliciously thrilling book nobody should be reading on stormy nights. And better yet if you cannot discover the murderer, and take a claustrophobic, chilling journey to escape a murderer.

3.5 stars. Worth a read.