A review by leapearlreads
It Happened One Midnight by Saranna DeWylde


Another fantastic Fairy Godmothers Inc. tale!

"Juniper was absolutely convinced the hijinks were about to ensue."
This sets the tone for the whole book. Many a hijinks ensue! The Godmothers are at the top of their meddling game with this one.

I literally fell in love with the relationship between Tomas and Juniper from the first chapter. Watching them waver at times and ultimately blossom was complete perfection. This book is a deliciously slow-burn, friends-to-lovers rom-com! The character arcs are so enjoyable and had me laughing out loud at times. The world building isn't as present in this book as the others, but if you've read the whole series, you already know what Ever After feels like so I didn't find that to be an issue for me.

After Men Are Frogs, I wasn't sure the books could get any better, but I was pleasantly proven wrong. The Godmothers are just as silly as ever and all up in Juniper's business, meddling as per usual. I mean, they really did a number on poor Juniper and Tomas with that one bed trope ;)

If you haven't read any of the Fairy Godmothers Inc books, I so recommend you check them out...and if you have, definitely read It Happened One Midnight!

Huge thank you to Kensington Books for the ARC to read, enjoy, and review!