A review by readaroundtherosie
Touch by Natalia Jaster


This is a story about Love, how she creates it for others but never for herself, and how she falls in head first.

A mythological romance, Touch weaves a tale about Eros, commonly known as Cupid, but in reality is Love, a girl with a bow and arrow whose job is to match humans with their right partners.

We follow Love, a 300 year old (but very young) myth who cannot be seen by humans. She and the others in her group, Anger, Sorrow, Wonder and Envy, have completed their training and are set to patrol their designated areas of the world, instilling their particular emotions into the humans that need it.

Love is the first deity of her particular emotion, so the others simply don’t understand. None of the deity’s truly know what love is, and as such, Love has never been properly accepted into their world. She finds solace in creating life matches for the humans who need that extra spark of help, but knowing she can never have it for herself.

One day, a boy notices her. But humans are not meant to see deities. Only a truly selfless person can see them, and his existence spells the deity’s doom. He needs to be eliminated. Instead, Love is falling for him. Uh oh.

Written in third person, Jaster’s Touch weaves a beautifully vivid story of humans and the myths that help them. I adored the world building of the mythology half of this novel- it’s whimsical and ethereal and brilliant, and everything else was interesting and cute and lovely.

General Comments:
Touch was beautifully crafted and my only complaint is that I want more from this world. This book was equally heartbreaking and beautiful. Thank you for gifting the world with this story, Natalia.

Overall Rating:
4.5/5 - I honestly enjoyed this so much!