A review by salgalruns
1984 by George Orwell


I suppose I should start by saying that this book is the complete antithesis of who I am as a person. I am all about creativity, combined with happy bubbly things. Yeah, Orwell and I aren't really a match made in heaven as this book is anything but that.

Most folks I've talked to have read this book in high school or college. Not me, and I'm actually glad I never did. I can't honestly imagine a pimply hormonal teen getting as much out of this as an adult who lives a life of bosses, paychecks, taxes, insurance payments, and society in general. Unfortunately, when I break it down as such, perhaps Orwell is just hitting a little too close to home, especially these days. When you think of the number of ways that we're tracked now - via location services on cell phones, iPads, computers...when every government agency tracks you and then this information (correct or not) seems to find its way to a Google search? Yeah, maybe Orwell knew something we didn't?

As for the story itself, I understand that it's listed as a classic, but seriously...this is sort of horrifically scary, right????? I mean, we've got some torture going on, major mind control, and who the heck knows which people are on which side and who you can trust? I actually found myself liking Winston at the beginning because, let's face it, he's narrating, and he seems rational. However, toward the end? I was almost convinced he WAS delusional and psychotic. Thanks again, George, for making me wonder about reality. You'd think I would have bonded with Julia, but she was basically all about the sex. I just didn't see much other use for her other than to provide an opportunity for a change of scenery.

Mind you, with all the twistedness of the story, the most horrific part was the scene in Room 101. Winston and I would have had the EXACT SAME experience here, and I was almost screaming in my car as I listened to the audiobook of this. Wanted to die.

Orwell summed up his psychotic thriller/classic/horror novel with one of the best quotes around. He's a genius. A twisted, demented, scary one, but genius.