A review by bookwormlukas
The Druid Stone by Heidi Belleau, Violetta Vane


Wildly inconsistent, and extremely confusing in places.

For me, this was a wildly inconsistent book, and I'd say that the parts I liked were outweighed by the parts I didn't like.

For what is seemingly a self-published Kindle book, I will praise the writing style of the authors, and the effort and research that obviously went into attempting to create a different story, one that you don't usually see in paranormal romance books, never mind M/M romance. I did find however, that as soon as the book dipped into fantasy and the other 'dream-like' world, the authors lost me. I don't know whether it was the spontaneity of the dream style, where anything and everything can happen, but I found myself having to re-read a lot of passages, because someone had suddenly appeared or done something and it honestly had not even registered to me what was going on.

We were also never really given a clear level of understanding of druidism, leaving me confused as to what exactly Cormac's powers or abilities were, or even the role of the stone, and how Michael somehow ended up back in time. The villans of the novel were also seemingly able to do whatever they wanted with no limitations, and their motives were never fully explained. I don't even know why they took an interest in Sean.

I will admit to not being a huge lover of fantasy if it goes too far into the genre, but I liked the idea, and the central romance of Cormac and Sean was developed well during the middle. Although I did find that the sex scenes were trying for eroticism, but ended up seeming slightly more pornographic than maybe intended.

All in all, an interesting/different read for me, but I won't be reading the sequel if that's where the authors are heading with these characters.