A review by youreadtoomuch
Never Kiss Your Roommate by Philline Harms


Spoiler alert: The roommates do kiss.

A cute little book with all your cliched tropes in there: having a secret crush on the "ice queen", being in precarious situations with said "ice queen" (7 minutes in heaven and self-defense lessons)... Unfortunately, nothing happens in this book. The book moved so quickly there wasn't enough time to develop the conflict well. Suddenly, we were in it, the teenagers are making stupid and dangerous choices and there's nothing more I hate when underage characters think they can solve a possibly life-or-death situation. Which, also, why was did the conflict go from 0 to 100 within a matter of minutes???? And that's the best way to describe this book 0 to 100 in a very, very short amount of time. The book only spans about 3-4 months, not even a complete semester at the boarding school...