A review by loujanae
Wicked Mafia Prince by Annika Martin

I had such a good time with the first book in this trilogy. It was exactly what I wanted from a mafia romance. And when I started this book, I was so positive that this was going to top the first one. I loved Viktor in the beginning. I loved the drama. I loved Tanechka. I loved that she was a nun. I loved the amnesia trope. I thought for sure that this was going to be a bananapants good time. And then it just wasn't.
The only time they have sex is when she is drunk as a skunk... so yeah that's definitely consensual. -eyeroll-
Viktor learns literally nothing at all. There is zero grovel. He pays no penance for what he's done by torturing this woman into rebecoming her old self. And that fucking sucked! I realized recently that I read romance primarily for the grovel. When it's good, it's great for me. I just love those apology scenes. But he never apologizes. He never gives her what she wants. He just gets everything he's ever wanted while plowing through Tanechka's life and upturning everything, and that really pisses me off. She deserved so much more than what Viktor had to offer.