A review by goldenbooksgirl
A Most Peculiar Toy Factory by Alex Bell, Nan Lawson


As a huge fan of Alex Bell`s middle grade, I was really excited to hear that she had a Barrington Stoke novella coming out and it didn`t disappoint. It`s the story of a girl named Tess who goes to work in a mysterious toy factory with her younger siblings in a bid to save her family`s farm for closure, and the events that unfold there. Tess is a great heroine and I liked how capable she was, as well as the variety of supporting characters around her. The settings were something else I really enjoyed- Tess`s farm sounds SO cool and the toy factory had a creepy yet quaint vibe. The otherworldly additions were fantastic too- this feels very similar to our world, but with magic, and I just like spending time in Alex Bell`s worlds. My favourite thing about this was definitely the ending though- I really hadn`t expected it to end that way and it`s left me hoping there might be a sequel! 4.5/5