A review by hippolyta_vi
Tangled Up In You by Christina Lauren


Tangled Up In You is a well-writren fish-out-of water story turned romance turned thriller.

This is my first Christina Lauren book and I only picked it up because of the premise (it being inspired by Tangled) and I wasn't necessarily disappointed. There were a lot of things to love about this book and a lot of things that I didn't vibe with.

Let's start with the bad. Ren is SO naive. I understand that it's the point and that she's based off of Rapunzel who is locked up in a tower her whole life but in the beginning she was so naive it was cringe-worthy. I wish the authors would've given her a crush or teenage "fling" because the "falling in love with the first person I meet" trope doesn't sit right with me. And yes, I know, that is exactly Rapunzel and Flynn's dynamic, but I can let it slide for a Disney movie.

Maybe it's because I don't read a lot of straight romances, but the cliches were really cliche-ing here.

Time for the good! I was, like many of the characters, charmed by Ren. The authors did a really good job characterizing the leads.  Ren and Fitz's dynamic felt natural and as a reader I felt their connection. The road trip aspect was fun but who on earth would think to just
go on a road trip with a stranger across the country to meet another stranger who is most likely your estranged father????
I guess that was another drawback but it ties into how annoying Ren's naivety could be. If you throw rationality aside, the plot is enjoyable. 

Overall, it was a fun, enjoyable, and quick read.

Additionally, fans of Tangled will pick up on little inside jokes and references which was fun.

Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC!