A review by morawynsmom
Unmasking the Ripper by Casia Courtier, Erin Lee, Mary Duke, T. Elizabeth Guthrie, R.L. Weeks, M. Rain Ranalli, Amy Cecil, Angie Wade


So. I have a lot of mixed feelings and thoughts about this book. There were some things I loved, some things with confused me immensely, and some thing which were just a little bit of a...huh? But overall, I enjoyed the premise of this book and the characters of this story.
This book is composed of six different points of view- it is technically an anthology, but told in such a unique way that I was very excited to delve into this historical murder mystery. I will try and break it down into the different characters of the book.

1. Jason-this chapter was one of my least favorites, only that I saw what the author was trying to do, and I just did not really think it flowed well or really kept me that interested in these characters motives. For being the first chapter in the book, it did not encourage me much to read further, but again, it was not terrible, just not, in my opinion, very believable.
2. Dan- Dan was one of my absolute favorites. Her character was realistic, relatable, well-thought out, and the writing just flowed for me. I for sure would love to see more of her povs.
3. Jake- The author who did Jake did exactly what they were meant to do-I really disliked Jake, I thought he was a jerk, but I kind of understood where he was coming from. I still did not really enjoy him as a love interest for Dan, but his character was a character that made me feel something.
4. May- I really enjoyed May as well. I liked her inner thoughts and the way she observed the world around her.
5. Edmund- I had mix feelings about Edmund, or I should say, I had hardly any feelings about him, which I am not sure if that is a good or a bad thing, but still, well written chapter.
6. Scarlet- This was hard. This was my favorite POV besides Dan, yet her chapter just really confused me as the ending to the book. Yet I LOVED this author's writing style, I loved the way she portrayed Scarlet, her chapter made me want to read more of this author's work.

Contains minor spoilers!

Some other issues I had was just the story itself. I had a hard time believing a group of FBI experts and historians and geniuses would be concerned with a romance if they traveled in time, of that they would go back in time so unprepared. For being a team of such intelligent people, they had some pretty unintelligent ideas, convincing Scotland Yard that they were who they claimed they were (I saw this as an incentive to push the plot) or a character just casually going out to sleep with women at that time ( diseases?) or being put through immense torture at an asylum only for all of them to come out somewhat unscathed. The romance had very little interest to me and the ending confused me, what happened to some of the characters? There were so many loose ends. Why was Jason so ready to get women to fall all over him in his chapter but in later chapters every one mistrusted him? I think this was just an issue of allowing the chapters and characters to flow and connect better, some chapters I loved certain things but it was hard to overlook other things. The ending left me unsatisfied even though I adored Scarlet. In the end, the good and the bad were about even, and I would read more from many of these authors.