A review by kandicez
Candy by Maxwell Kenton


This was awful. Just...awful. I would like to say it reminded me a bit of [b:S.|98110|S.|John Updike|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1380492331s/98110.jpg|94568] by [a:John Updike|6878|John Updike|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1419249254p2/6878.jpg], but that resemblance is backward. Anyone who has read [b:S.|98110|S.|John Updike|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1380492331s/98110.jpg|94568] will know what I mean.

I'm glad I knew, going in, that this was a satirical novel because if I thought it was serious I would not have been able to finish. Is it erotica? I guess, but the way in which Candy is painted as a such an innocent slut (talk about an oxymoron!) is offensive.

2/14 - I've been reading other reviews and feel I should add a note.
Another "gentleman" said that the ridiculous situations Candy finds herself in, i.e. a full gynecological exam in a public restroom, a Buddha statue's nose shoved up her ass as a penis fills her front, are all situations that men, being the oversexed beings they are, truly believe could happen. They don't, but true men are always ready. If and when...
If I had read that review first I know I would have been more amused by this book than sickened.