A review by yarnylibrarian
Why? Answers to Everyday Scientific Questions by Joel Levy


This is a sort of decent science book in Q&A format aimed at elementary and middle grade readers. The "chapters" are questions organized by theme. Sample questions include:

Why does my cell phone lose its signal?
Why does it rain?
Why can't we photosynthesize?

I was completely put off by the Biblical quote that opens the introduction. Even though the author claims to "respectfully disagree" with the quotation, Scripture really does not belong in the introduction of a science book for children. Including this was a major misstep on the part of the editor, in my opinion.

Otherwise, my librarian self chafes at the lack of references in each "chapter." There are some references in the appendix, but they aren't linked to the scientific questions, and they are so broad as to be unusable as references (sample reference - ScienceDaily: sciencedaily.com). Basic nonfiction books like this are a great place for authors to model to young students that sources are used and should be credited. Joel Levy didn't do middle school teachers any favors by laying out his book this way.

I will give credit where credit is due, however - the index rocks!

Thanks to netgalley for providing the e-ARC.