A review by julesgou
Lies Beneath by Anne Greenwood Brown


Mermaids have always been my favourite.

There are lots of different types of mermaid books out there and a lot choose to make them monsters but this one was definitely a winner.

I love Calder and Lily. It was funny how they could almost read each other's minds. The eyes are windows to the soul is made true in this novel. Lily knows when Calder is lying and Calder treats Lily in a way that shows her how much he loves her and right to the point. He doesn't beat around the bush, he tells it like it is. It is a honest that is just so refreshing to see.

His sisters are crazy. That's all I need to say about them.

The plot was very interesting. We really get to see Calder change and he has his little Edward moments where he believes that he is a monster and blah blah blah. I loved the opening line! Even though I will love Ariel forever, these mermaids/mermans are pretty awesome without the whole killing part of course.

I can't wait for the next one!