A review by earthseeddetroit
The Star Side of Bird Hill by Naomi Jackson


Just finished this on audiobook and, although I enjoyed this book, it was a difficult one. It dealt with some really challenging topics from depression and mental health, suicide, addiction, there were mentions of child trafficking and sexual assault as well.

My heart went out to the two main characters who were sisters who had been sent to live with their grandmother in Barbados after their mother’s decline in mental health and her ability to care for them.

I feel like the author did a wonderful job of capturing the essence of Barbados and island culture, a grapevine that would put any technology to shame, holidays and observances, the clash or collaboration of christianity with traditional Afro-Caribbean spiritual practices… I actually would’ve liked to know more about some of the traditions that were mentioned, practices like Obeah.

What was strong in this book was the role of grandmother, Hyacinth, and her efforts to raise these grandchildren, one of whom was a teenager and really testing the limits and boundaries, having come from Brooklyn New York to live in a totally different environment. Hyacinth was an herb woman and a doula, and she did begin to train her youngest granddaughter in these practices… I would’ve loved to read more about that.

There were a lot of phrases of old-time folk wisdom handed out in this book too. I appreciated it.

3.5 stars