A review by lissyiszy
Unnatural Talent: Creating, Printing and Selling Your Comic in the Digital Age by Christopher Kosek, Jason Brubaker


This book is wonderful. I believe this book is heartfelt and realistic. Jason Brubaker tells you like it is with no flowery language to hide what it's like when it comes to being an indie artist.

This book is not your typical how to book, it doesn't tell you how to write a script or how to draw. You'll have to look for a more specialized book for that. Instead it gives tips on motivating yourself to start and finish a project as well as what to do with it afterwards like building a website and how to print. It shares fantastic advice on how to build a fan base as well as what to focus on that's important and why. If you're one of those people looking for those answers then I highly recommend picking up this book. I know it's going to stay on my shelf.

While I know this book is targeted towards those who want to make graphic novels I do feel that the information can be roughly applied to indie novelists or indie creators in general. There just may be certain parts that may not apply directly to your craft but it's still an interesting read and there might be hidden tips that might apply to you and your projects.

The ideal audience for this book is for those who are completely new to creating graphic novels. Those who have been wanting to create, like me, but have yet made the plunge may find this book is perfect for motivating yourself. I feel that this book shares more than Jason's graphic novel learning experiences but I believe he pulls from his entire artistic career (probably also a bit of his soul ^_~). I personally think it's great that he shares his experiences, the ups and downs. I think we need more transparency like this in the creator community and am glad someone is finally doing it.

4.8 out of 5 rating for me!

For my full review go to: http://originiquequanimity.blogspot.com/2014/01/book-review-unnatural-talent-by-jason.html