A review by rothcoe
Talulla Rising by Glen Duncan


I liked this, and I didn't like this.
I like Jake more than I like Talulla.
I like Talulla better when she's alone - I love her fierceness. I don't love everyone else around her. When she was in the cell, plotting her escape, I loved her. When she was plotting with the other werewolves, I didn't like her as much. I don't know why.
I didn't like the other werewolves being introduced. It seemed too... Convenient, almost? I don't have a really solid reason behind WHY I dislike stories that involve a group of people banding together to fight - there are some instances where it works really well, and there are some instances where it's just page after page of prep and it seems so silly and trite - like girls getting ready for a high school dance and assigning maximum importance to each and every movement. It's difficult to explain, and I sound kind of vagueish and "Hmph", but it rubs me the wrong way sometimes. It rubbed me the wrong way this time. It reminded me of the last Twilight book, kind of - there was a bunch of preparation for an event that was somewhat disappointing. Though I fucking LOVED every single bit of scenery that Marco was involved in. (I don't know why, I picture him looking like Tim Meadows, and I'm ok with that). This book was set up like there will be a sequel, and I am crossing all of my fingers and hoping against hope that Marco plays a larger part.
I didn't like the instant closeness that Talulla fell into with the other werewolves - it seemed like there should be more to their friendship, other than "We're all werewolves!" I get the "pack" structuring, sort of - even though it's been stated a few times that werewolves are solitary creatures. Maybe it's different because they are special, I don't know.
Lots of "I don't knows" sprinkled in here - overall, I liked the book. I like the style of writing, for the most part, and I like the characters, for the most part. I think I like it best when they are solitary, I think the characters are more appealing when they are fending for themselves. This makes me sound like a horrible person? This makes me sound like a horrible person.