A review by misssusan
The Bone Key: The Necromantic Mysteries of Kyle Murchison Booth by Sarah Monette


So these stories follow Kyle Murchison Booth, a highly introverted archivist who's been haunted by spirits, wraiths, and all a manner of otherworldly horrors ever since he helped his friend raise his wife from the dead. Basically it's Lovecraft if he cared about crafting actual characters! :D So you know, some great stuff there. I'm starting to think I vastly prefer Monette's short stories to her novels, like no offence to the Labyrinth quartet or those wolf bonding books but Kyle Murchison is a step up in quality. There are a couple more stories about him outside of this book, I read one in Somewhere Beneath Those Waves and apparently it's collected with three others in Unnatural Creatures. If anyone could tell me where I can pick up a copy, I'd be grateful, limited edition releases are the bane of my existence. T_T 4 stars