A review by annes
Speak No Evil by Liana Gardner


Speak no evil was gifted to me in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

The synopsis doesn’t tell us a lot so I had no idea what to expect going into this story but holy shit I was in for the ride.

We follow a young girl named melody fisher who has been through so many horrible things. From witnessing the death of her mother to being tossed around from foster home to foster home. Melody soon learns speaking the truth only brings on worse situations for her.

Throughout this story we jump back in time to when Melody was young and we get background and more understanding into the reasons she is the way she is, which I truly loved. Following a bright and curious young girl follow in her daddy’s footsteps and simply adore her parents just as much as they adore her. Watching this family unit was truly so heartwarming and I loved reading all about this.

Speak no evil explores sooo many themes and hard-hitting topics such as rape, molestation, violence, death and grief. I didn’t expect these topics to be within this story but they added such an amazing element and depth to this story.

I honestly can’t say more about this story because I’ll spoil it for you but it was simply an amazing book that envoked so many emotions and thoughts in me.

Speak no evil is a book you NEED to grab right now! I will never forget this story and will 100% reread it!
