A review by books_nooks_spooks
This Wretched Valley by Jenny Kiefer


It’s so exciting when authors take a mish mashery of the things I love and turn them into a book. How thoughtful!! First of all, I find the Dyatlov Pass incident FASCINATING - the mystery, the science, the theories. When a story is inspired by this I am all over it! The author does a great job of mixing geological anomalies, supernatural elements and physical horror without confusing the reader and we also have the characters slow descent into confusion and paranoia which both pulls you in and has you on edge. There are hints of Blair Witch, Lost, From, Yellowjackets and even the Donner Party legend. I fully embraced the joy of the unknown whilst also wanting to race through the book to find out just what the hell is going on here. I love anything that reminds us we barely know this world. This debut nailed it and I will be sitting here (im)patiently waiting for whatever @_jennykiefer throws at us next!!

4.5 stars