A review by rhodered
Victory Conditions by Elizabeth Moon


On one hand, yes this was everything one could desire from a conclusion to a sweeping series. Magnificent battles, perfidity uncovered, friends reunited, etc. on the other hand, it suffers from a bit of stilted story-telling. I realize that the military, much like movie making, has ten times more paperwork than glory. maybe make that 1,000 times. But I fail to see any reason why we have characters continually havimg conversations in which they explain past plot points to each other, well beyond any need of readers joining the story late. This occurs within all books in this series, often even for plot points occurimg in the same volume. It happens, people tell each other it happened, and then again.

Even the book's conclusion is marred by this habit. here we are at the end of everything, only to have a side character show up and explain, now completetly inconsequential past plot points, to the heroine just one page before the end of the book. that's right, one single page before the end of the entire series and we're getting a retread of a side plot from I think two books ago. Who cares?!

Aside from that, I must note the cover art yet again -for the whole series in fact -shows a white skinned young woman despite the fact that her dark skin has been a plot point several times now.