A review by merrybelletrist
Love and Louis XIV: The Women in the Life of the Sun King by Antonia Fraser


This was my first foray into biographies about the members of the French monarchy. I've long been a fan of Marie Antoinette, but it wasn't until I was searching for other books on different monarchy, that I chose to buy this one.

I want to start off by saying that before reading this book I didn't know a lot about Louis XIV. I was more familiar with Louis XVI and his wife, of course, but even then I didn't know as much as I should have.

The book starts off with Louis's miraculous birth. Anne of Austria was of course one of the most important women in the King's life as well she should be. From there the book focuses on the major women in the King's life such as his wife and his mistresses.

I was surprised that the author also talked about his daughters, granddaughters, and even great-granddaughters. She didn't got into a lot of detail, but she could tell that Louis was fond of his female relatives.

I liked how Fraser divided the book into the four seasons. That was an interesting way to do it, I admit. I might have to steal that for my writings one day :P

But in conclusion this was great look at the important women in the Sun King's life. I'll definitely be looking forward to reading more of Mrs. Fraser's works.