A review by piperhudsburn
Pills and Starships by Lydia Millet


My good book streak has, unfortunately, ended. Thanks Winter Storm Jonas.

I do not understand the point of this book. It was long and tedious and had a lot in common the wonderful drug known as NyQuil. It will put you sleep and it's monotonous prose will leave you disoriented the next day. Like I said- just don't get a damn thing about this book. Nothing happens.


Basically it's a YA dystopian in which a girl just journals details about her parent's last days on Earth in Hawaii. The world the author constructs his so, so confusing that the plot lags because of it.

I'm not going to rip apart this book further because that's not good for me and it's not good for Lydia Millet. I will just say that the concept was interesting, but the execution was atrocious. To make matters worse, the cover is a complete whitewashing (the main character is a POC)- to I send tsk tsk's the publisher's way as well.