A review by craftylibrarian10
Fever by Lauren DeStefano


Contains Spoilers... This book took me a really long time to finish, because it was so hard to follow and because the subject matter was so disturbing. Normally, I can enjoy a book, even with tough subject matter, but this one just didn't work. I had a really hard time with Rhine in this book. She was not the strong willed, young woman using all her power to earn her freedom. She allowed herself to basically become the victim of human trafficking. Sadly, that's probably accurate to that lifestyle, but it didn't align with this character. Also, I still don't feel that tight bond between her and Gabriel. I think we're supposed to root for them, but I don't. I want her to be reunited with her brother more than I care about these other men. Furthermore, when she finally revealed to Linden what a monster his father is, why didn't she also tell him the whole truth about her? Seriously, he needs to know how naive he is!