A review by sarahluvsromance_1201
The Bandit by B.B. Reid




The Bandit is my first ever venture into the land of B.B. Reid, and I have already booked a return flight! This book is absolutely everything a dark romance should be with its love-to-hate anti-heroes, suspenseful and often violent plot, and antagonistic and steamy relationships.

The characters created for this novel are absolutely amazing with their complexity. Mian is a heroine I love with her desire to defy in every way, even if it is in the tiniest manner. Every time she struck out at her captors, I gave a little cheer for her and her refusal to submit completely. She is also honorable in her desire to take care of her son at all costs, as well as protect the people she loves. The other interesting aspect of her character is the sexual desire she expresses in the book and her interactions with Angel, Z, and Lucas. At no time during the book does B.B. Reid make her ashamed of her sexuality. Even when her mind doesn't want to be aroused and her body is, there is never a moment of shame. Her ability to embrace what her body wants and engage in sexual activity as she desires only emphasizes the strength she has as a heroine. Angel is my favorite type of anti-hero. He is vengeful and vicious, willing to kill anyone at anytime, and yet he has a soft spot for Mian, which allows the reader to connect with him showing readers that he is more than a violent villain. Readers see that he has responsibilities and pressures for the role he plays, and watching him attempt to balance those obligations with his relationship with Mian, once again, makes this violent criminal someone readers can relate to. Separately these two characters are intriguing, but together, they are explosive. Every single interaction, whether verbal or non-verbal, oozes sex laced with hatred, and the reader can feel the sexual tension as though it were tangible.

The two secondary characters, Z and Lucas, are absolutely vital to this story. Even though they team up with Angel and his plan to ruin Mian and her father, they bring so much to the story. They provide enough sex to steam up your Kindle, enough humor to temper some intense scenes, and are completely endearing with their loyalty to the people they care about. Readers will certainly see them in the second book, but my love of these characters has me secretly hoping that they might get a spin-off book.

This plot will have you locked in from the very first page. The suspense will leave you sitting on the edge of your seat with the twists and turns the reader will never see coming. But the one aspect of her novel that I enjoyed the most was the delicate blend of romance with the darkness and suspense. There is violence and depraved acts being committed in this book, but B.B. Reid laces the plot with several flashbacks not only to fill in holes in the plot but also to show how the connection between Angel and Mian has been potent from the very beginning. These flashbacks allow the reader to believe that these two characters who are at each other's throats truly care for one another, adding authenticity to their romance, thus increasing my investment in them as a couple. Not only will this plot engage you from the very first page, the resolution to this story will leave you reeling and increase your anticipation for the final book in this duet.

With The Bandit, B.B. Reid has placed herself on my favorite dark romance writers list. Not only has she crafted a well-written dark romance, she has delivered complex characters and a gripping plot that left me in shock and breathless as the final pages of this book came to an end.
ARC received in exchange for an honest review.

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