A review by lidotchka
Autant En Empor by Margar Mitchell


★★★★☆ - I basically have the same complaints about this volume as about the other two ones.

This won't be a very long review I think. This volume was obviously similar to the two previous ones. I still have the same complaints about the racism and the whitewashing of slavery (trying to make the reader believe it was fine and that slaves were happy).
However, concerning the story in itself, it became slightly better. The second volume was quite boring, full of endless descriptions and nothing really happened. This volume is quite better, many things are happening rapidly and I wasn't as bored as in the other ones.
So, finally, would I recommend all the volumes of [b:Gone with the Wind|18405|Gone with the Wind|Margaret Mitchell|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1551144577l/18405._SY75_.jpg|3358283]? If you are somehow into classics, I think you should read them. Overall, these are not bad books at all, but they did not age that well... So just beware you are about the start reading a racist and whitewashed version of history (but at this point, is it really history? Because I didn't find these books particularly historically accurate).