A review by cyanide_latte
Origin of a Hero (She-Ra Chapter Book #1), Volume 1 by Tracey West


"Shadow Weaver told her she'd been abandoned in the Fright Zone as a baby and adopted by the Horde. That was all she knew about her past."

Anyone who has watched the first so many episodes of the new She-Ra and the Princesses of Power on Netflix will be aware of what happens in this book. The first four chapters take place prior to the events of the first episode's opening (which we get in story form beginning with this book's fifth chapter.) Tracey West does a nice job of adapting the script and story from the first two episodes into chapters in the book, while giving us greater insight in the character voices and thoughts for the characters we follow from chapter to chapter, be it Adora or Glimmer (or, on very rare occurrence, Catra.)

The first four chapters additionally give us a look into the failed first mission Glimmer has, and we see a little more of the bond between Adora and Catra prior to the training test we're introduced to them with in the show. It isn't much, true, but I consider this a nice little touch that helps shape and round out Adora, Catra and Glimmer as individuals, and allows some allusion to their individual actions later through the series.

I think my only complaints with this are the abrupt point at which it ends,
right after Adora has survived the disaster at the First Ones ruin and agrees to come with Glimmer and Bow in order to get more answers about her identity and all she doesn't know,
and moments where the POV focus shifts between characters. Otherwise, this was a fun little book adaptation of the first couple of episodes of the show and the extra information was, I think, worth it for the purchase.