A review by emilygaynier
Good Behaviour by Molly Keane



I read 100% of this book while flying home from Ireland. It was totally a cover buy and while I was very confused while reading the first third of the book, I ended up enjoying it very much.

The book starts off with Aroon in her fifties taking care of her mother with the 'help' of their maid Rose. Then the story flashes back to follow Aroon's childhood governess as she works for the family of Richard, a boy that Arron will meed years later, and then the governess working for Aroon's family. Then the story is of Aroon growing up and her family's unhealthy relationships with each other and being on their best behavior.

I bought this book at the Dublin Writer's Museum along with three others. I almost put it down about halfway through the book, but I knew that if I didn't keep reading I would never pick it up again. At that point in the book I found it slow and not entirely interesting, but as I continued I became engrossed. I plan on rereading soon