A review by calila
Integrity by Willow Scarlett


*A copy of this book was provided for free by the author in exchange for an honest review.*

I'm not quite sure where I fall on this book. I enjoyed parts, and I hated parts. I thought the whole "hardcore vs post-hardcore" thing was kind of ridiculous, maybe you have to be familiar with that "scene" to get it. I liked the dynamic between the MCs and I hated the dynamic between the MCs. I liked Tyler, I liked Hale, I liked them together at points. The banter was great in spots. But other parts left me annoyed. Tyler being so afraid to come out didn't feel real. It felt like fake angst. Hale was kind of a jerk too, he acted like Tyler was such a repressed closet-case who jumped to conclusions about who Hale was, but he did the exact same to Tyler. That's where the dynamic started to feel skewed in one direction. It felt like Tyler couldn't do anything right. And Hale was an innocent bystander who played no role in it. But he gave as good as he got, and antagonized just as much. Still it was entertaining and there were some parts that made me smile. There was a huge editing error right in the middle of an important scene that kind of killed the flow and ruined the moment. Hopefully that's just a review copy thing and is fixed in the book.