A review by introvertedbear
Send by Patty Blount


I have mixed feelings about this book. I definitely enjoyed reading it and read every single word. In fact, I read some parts so quickly that my brain couldn't process what was happening, and I had to force myself to slow down. The opening was very enjoyable. I even developed a crush on the main character. He was sweet, trying to stick up for others and help them. Besides, I also kind of have a voice inside my head like his, except not as extreme, so I can connect with him. I liked reading in his perspective until he started repeating things he already said, but that's a different story.

Then the middle section of the book came, and I started to grimace. My crush instantly disappeared at that scene. The scene which really added no worth to the book in my opinion and only added to my dislike for Julie. However, that's probably me being biased because of my crush.

When it comes to bullying and cyberbullying, I have little to no experience in my life with those topics, so I don't feel like I'm qualified to talk about the themes of the book. Honestly, I kind of understand all the talk about not forgiving and forgetting or forgiving and such, but then I don't think I understand what was happening with that topic in the context of the book. I do think that it's wonderful that Blout was able to combine all of those topics into one book, something I don't think many people can do without struggling and thinking a lot about why and how bullying works or doesn't work.

Towards the end of the book, I felt like the story started to fall apart. The opening was fantastic, the middle was so-so, but by the end of the book, I was ready to slap a big one-star on the book and be done with it. It's like I was on a reading roller coaster and the cart flew off the track and crashed with a firey explosion, but I got up and walked away only with a maimed leg when I should've been dead. The ending was definitely over melodramatic and unnecessary in my opinion. Dan seems pathetic in the falling action, and how does no one on the beach notice? I really love how Dan prepares to move forward with his life, but at the same time, it seems horrible because he's described as skinny and not appearing too well.

I won a copy from Joy Prebble's blog, and the author actually wrote me notes. It was awesome ^_^. She's a really nice person, and I hope she writes another novel some day. I'd like to read more of her fiction work.