A review by abigailcooper
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins


I loved this book. I do, I promise. It’s intense in the best of parts, and it leaves you off on a cliffhanger that begs you to keep reading onto the next book (which I’m actively preparing to do).

One thing that got me was some of the repetitiveness you’d find every now and then. It wasn’t often, but every now and then, I’d read something pretty much verbatim to what I’ve previously read in the first book. And while I understand that it is a part of a trilogy so perhaps it’s just a reminder for those who haven’t read the first in a while, it got on my nerves. However, that’s about it.

The cliffhanger was good, albeit annoying (I hate cliffhangers, because I always keep reading if I’m able to—personality flaw, maybe). The characterization was amazing. I love how Peeta is, and the introduction of Finnick is just as great. He was always my favorite when I watched the movies, and seeing him and his personality in the book was just as great this time around.

The writing keeps you wanting to read more and more. Without much convincing, might I add. I feel as if Collins has an excellent way of pulling the reader in, regardless of what the content may be.

May President Snow eat shit, and Katniss realize that she will, indeed, find Peeta again.