A review by mightyjor
Alcatraz Versus the Scrivener's Bones by Brandon Sanderson


4/5 stars

While the book is definitely aimed at a younger audience, I think it also does some things that make it really appeal to adults as well. There's a few fun twists and turns and some clever decisions by our protagonist that save the day. Those are always fun to read about.

Some of the humor was a bit off, but like I said with the first book, it really doesn't bug me in a book written for kids the way it would in a book written for adults. For one, some of the humor in Mistborn and Stormlight tends to be very crude, where this seems more like classic Dad jokes.

The inserts from the narrator are always fun to read and actually make it far more enjoyable I think. There's some 4th wall breaks that I typically don't like, but I think they're ok here.

One thing I love from the book is the ghostly curators that try to trick you into borrowing a book to learn something in exchange for your soul. Theyre just kind of lingering around all the time, waiting for the heroes to mess up somehow. They were a wonderful obstacle for the heroes to deal with and I loved hearing them both try to outsmart the heroes and be outsmarted by them. Cleverness in books always makes me happy.

This was the last one that was included in my audible membership, but I'll probably pick up the next few in the series at a later time.