A review by kaje_harper
Something Human by A.J. Demas


This is historical alternate-universe, set in a world like ours with echoes of the Ancient Romans/Greeks and Celts. Two men on opposite sides in battle save each other's lives, and then find themselves isolated together, away from the ebb and flow of the fighting, long enough to get to know each other. Long enough for attraction and a meeting of like minds to become something more.

Adares has a very appealing mix of self-confidence, curiosity, and intelligence. Rus is also intelligent, more instinctive, from a society less formal and organized, but with its own kinds of power. For a brief moment they find happiness together that neither of them could have imagined. But they can't hide from the war forever, and what they have together doesn't translate to who they are when the world intrudes on their sanctuary.

I loved the world-building here, the contrast of cultures, the way each of these men brought something different to the table. I loved Adares' stubbornness and optimism, and Rus's kindness and way of seeing the world. A beautiful story about love overcoming obstacles.