A review by iread2dream
Pardon My Frenchie by Farrah Rochon


Thank you Forever Publishing and NetGalley for an eARC. All opinions are my own.

Ashanti, French bulldog owner, owns a successful doggie daycare, is raising her twin teenage sisters, and attempting to start her own line of homemade dog treats.

Thad is the new, reluctant caretaker of his grandmother's beloved poodle, freshly retired from the military, and is trying to get his new business off the ground.

When a video of the two dogs sharing a treat Lady and the Tramp-style goes viral and the two dog owners are suddenly thrust into each other's lives, they have to learn how to play nice and also learn how to stop fighting their feelings for each other.

Farrah Rochon does not disappoint. I enjoyed the chemistry between Ashanti and Thad, and seeing their two personalities clash and then come together later in the book. The whole dog theme was cute, but it was a bit much for me at the beginning. I like dogs but not at a dog-pageant-level.

I felt like we got too many plot lines and not enough time for each of them. Overall, the book felt a little fast-paced for me. I enjoy a slower burn romance (but not so much that it's torture). I was expecting a higher level of spiciness but at least we got some 😉.

The book is a cute, cozy read and definitely recommend for dog lovers.