A review by nocto
A Breach of Security by Susan Hill


I picked this ebook up thinking it was the new Simon Serrailler book. It is a Simon Serrailler book that I hadn't read but it's just a short one, somewhere between a short story and a novella. Oddly it seems to take place after [b:The Soul of Discretion|17999093|The Soul of Discretion (Simon Serrailler, #8)|Susan Hill|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1411817753s/17999093.jpg|25257652] which is the book I was after (maybe not odd - it was published later, it's just that Goodreads has this down as before it in the series). It packs a lot in but as usual with short stories I end up wishing the author had padded it out to develop some of the characters further, everything seems a bit too rushed in this format.