A review by annekdotes
What Would Boudicca Do?: Everyday Problems Solved by History's Most Remarkable Women by Elizabeth Foley


Turns out Boudicca "mercilessly burned key settlements [...] slaughtering their citizens" so maybe she isn't the best example, but that's also what makes this book interesting. In the Afterword, the authors say: "None of [these women] was perfect - some of them did terrible as well as wonderful things. They were morally complex people but we're here to celebrate their achievements rather than how 'nice' they were on the way." I love that - how these women are celebrated but not glorified. I learned about a lot of amazing women I didn't know yet as well as great new things about women I did know. This book is also wonderfully witty and I like how it connects all of these women's problems to our moderm everyday life struggles. Great read!