A review by ezrasupremacy
Dead Inside by Chandler Morrison


Before I start this review, let me put out a warning, because I will be discussing the themes of this book, specifically:
- Necrophilia
- Rape
- Cannibalism
Okay, now onto my opinion.

This is quite frankly in the top three worst books I have ever read, and the only reason why I finished it is because it is short and I was fuelled by pure spite. First and foremost I want to say that the reason why I disliked this book is not because it is dark, or graphic, or gorey, or morally wrong. I picked this book up specifically because of a video that described it as ‘One of the most disgusting books I have ever read’, which I tend to take as a challenge, so on the tbr it went.

Now, let me describe the reading experience of this book to you. Every single sentence feels like it was taken straight out of a wannabe-edgelord’s diary, and I get the vibe that that’s the perfect way to describe this author, so you know, checks out. Was this book disgusting? Yes, utterly so. Very gross! However, the pure fact that so much of it was so incredibly far removed from reality made it almost hilarious, to the point where a scene of someone committing an act of cannibalism had me almost giggling because like, what the fuck do you think you’re describing here, brother.

The entire time the MC gave off the most massive ‘Nice Guy’ vibes I have ever seen in my life. I want to specifically put a quote here that was said in the first, what, five pages? That had me actually slap my forehead with how incredibly bad it is.

“I hate dealing with women. They can’t be up front about anything.
Amend that. I hate dealing with people. They can’t be up front about anything. Please don’t confuse my misanthropy for misogyny.”

He then, of course, follows this up with some of the most misogynistic things I’ve had to read in a book, possibly ever, and I do like Murakami. On that same note, the fact that every description of a woman in this book could’ve come straight from an incel subreddit. I cannot even begin to grasp what had this author write about a girl that supposedly loves getting raped (which, I wont deny that rape kinks exist, but like, be fucking for real man) to the point where she was happy about being gang-raped to death. We’re also kind of skating around the entire fact that necrophilia is inherently rape for the entirety of the book.

And oh my God, possibly my favourite part was the INCREDIBLE ‘I’m not like other girls’ energy this MC (and by extension, the writer, because let’s be real, this is self-insert at its best) gives off is insane. The amount of ‘I’m not normal, I’m not like these boring sheeple, I’m so different and removed from the rest of society and I like it like that’ lines in this book are awfully extensive for something that is less than 200 pages. I have another quote for you here that had me actually laughing, because I promise you I can find the exact same sentiment written in a 2014 tumblr post. I quote:

“Some nights I go to the graveyard because it’s always been the only place where I can truly relate to people.
I’ve been dead inside for a long time. When I dream of camaraderie, I’m surrounded by skeletons, flesh barely clinging to their ancient bones.”

Absolutely hilarious. I have another one here that’s great for characterising Mr. Unique.

“Or maybe he’s just a narrow-minded, ignorant imbecile who’s been sufficiently brainwashed by society.”

The fun thing about that quote is that it is said about a paramedic who cares about the fact that some people take drugs that end up killing them. Oh yes, look at this sheep. Look at this boring vanilla normie. Caring about whether people die or not. Awful. Of course the MC does also describe himself as a sociopath in this book. If I had created a bingo for this book after the first few pages, I definitely would’ve gotten a point for that.

The self-insert of the author becomes even more glaringly obvious when the MC, who has previously repeatedly mentioned that he does not care about his partners’ pleasure, is also somehow a sex god, because of course he is. On the note of not caring about his partners’ pleasure - Like I said, necrophilia, while not in any way interesting to me, also does not shock me. What does shock me however, is the fact that in less than two hundred pages the author has managed to write the words “I fuck dead girls” (without changing the wording at all) a grand total of eight times. Now you may think to yourself, what, eight? That’s not that bad. I promise you, when it is said in the *exact same way* so often that every time it was said I got actively annoyed, it is a sign of bad writing. Not that this book needed any more signs of bad writing.

And oh, bad writing it was. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I’m a very writing-driven person, and that litfic is possibly my favourite genre, but I feel like even if you’re the kind of person that can excuse bad writing, you’ll recognise how off this is. I’m not gonna write some kind of literary analysis here because I do not care that much (though complaining about this book is bringing me a tremendous amount of joy), but go on AO3, look for a fanfic that was written in 2014-2016 and has “xD” somewhere in the description and uses the tags “Crack” and “Dark” and you’ll find this exact same vibe. Written in first-person and addressing the reader can definitely work, but I promise you this author is not good enough to make it work as anything other than “Look at me!”.

Realistically, this book was written for no other purpose than to be shock porn and disgust readers as much as possible, or I guess get them turned on and get to feel superior for how unique and different they are for reading taboo-fetish content, but like, it’s the age of the internet, I can go onto a fanfic site and read something an 18yo girl has written which will be just as taboo and still manage to have better writing. I promise you, you do not need to read this book just to get some dark content.