A review by philyra91
Renegade Magic by Stephanie Burgis


19th-century England's most feisty 12-year-old witch is back and up to her mischief once more! Once more, Kat is called upon to save the day. Renegade Magic is delightfully charming and Kat is just so full of life, being her usual outgoing, amusing and always lovable self. I do think she has grown up a little in the sequel, putting others before herself, even though she still gets into a lot of trouble.

It was super easy to fall back into the world Burgis created and I loved how storylines from the first book carried into the second. There were moments that really made me want to punch some of the villainous characters in the book; I was so indignant on Kat's behalf, but I'm glad that everyone got their happy ending after all.

The plot is a little whimsical, but I believe that's the charm of it. Kat makes a new friend this time around and I was glad for her appearance because it was nice to see more girl power this time. I also particularly liked Kat's father's role in this novel as well; we see him outside of the unseeing-unassuming-unsure of everything portrayal that Kat has of him and that was refreshing.

I can't wait for the third installment and I'm sure whatever Burgis has in store for us and Kat, it's going to be fabulous!