A review by somanybookstoread
The Day I Ate Whatever I Wanted: And Other Small Acts of Liberation by Elizabeth Berg


I forget who told me to check out Elizabeth Berg. When I did, I first read Home Safe, which I didn't like one bit. But when someone recommends an author to me, I'll usually give them two shots. With Berg, I'm glad I did. Berg is prolific. I could have researched what her better books are, but I was really attracted to the title of this short story collection, so I went here next. What a treat! These stories were extremely well-crafted and had me right from the start. The characters are rich and human. The narrative arcs were well done. All in all, I'm very happy I read this book and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys short fiction, a sharp eye, and wit. Were they the most literary short stories I've ever read? Certainly not. But they were most definitely well done.