A review by thindbooks
With You All the Way by Cynthia Hand


*this earc was sent to me by the publisher to give an honest review in return*

I LOVED THIS BOOK! It was kind of similar to Breathless by Jennifer Niven which was also my favorite of this year. This book is about Ada who finds out her boyfriend is cheating on her before she leaves on her trip to Hawaii with her family. Later she finds her mom is having an affair and now wants to lose her virginity so she decides to make a plan. You are probably reading this and are like huh why did she read this book and how did she enjoy it. First of all the writing of this book was amazing and the story flowed really well. The pacing was perfect and I wasn’t bored at all while reading this book. The author did an incredible job bringing the story to life with her writing and also her characters.

I enjoyed the main character, Ada. She is a typical teenager and you can understand what she is going through easily. I also loved her sister who reminded me kind of like Mor from ACOTAR because of her features and a red dress she wore in this book. I also enjoyed the supporting characters in this book. Ada and her sister both developed a lot throughout the story and I loved their sisterly bond. There is also romance in this book which you might love.

I really enjoyed reading this book. The whole story was very easy to process and understand so it was kind of like a comfy read. I had no problems with this book at all. This is perfect for those who are fans of Jennifer Niven and those whole love contemporary books.