A review by cassdoudoumis
Intoxicated by Jeana E. Mann


Actual Rating: 3.8/5 stars

Ally Taylor is an uptight accountant by day and a free spirit by night. Working an office job isn’t the most thrilling profession she could’ve chosen for herself, but it’s what she has been dealt and she’s not complaining. To keep it interesting, she finds herself wandering over to local bar Felony that has a well known reputation for heavy metal and a lot of fighting. Does it stop her? Nope.

Meet Jack Jameson. He’s hot, has tattoos, and works at Felony. He’s known for showing a lot of love to the ladies but not being able to stay very long to build anything of substance with them. In walks Ally for the night and he decides that tonight's the night he does. The real question is, can these two put aside their different lifestyles and find the chemistry that they know stirs between them?

The answer is yes.

Between Ally’s uptight attitude and Jack’s self admitted asshole one, we have two characters who are either going to have one great hook up or a handful of them. Either way, they’re going to hook up. One thing they really need to do, and needed to do throughout the entire book, was learn how to read each other. Both thought this was a one and done, but if someone had just OPENED THE HOLE IN THEIR FACE THAT GOD GAVE THEM, THEY WOULD’VE KNOWN THE OTHER’S FEELINGS. I did like how Jack and Ally brought out the best in one another. Jack shows Ally that the life she has been living hasn’t been living at all and Ally makes Jack want to figure out everything and be good enough for her. They really complimented and balanced each other out. Overall, I enjoyed most of this book. I would be giving it a much high rating but I did not like the ending at all because it didn’t feel like a proper ending. I know it’s supposed to be a series though, so I had hoped that the next book or novella would answer everything but nOPE. NOTHING IS LEFT FOR JACK AND ALLY. Aside from the ending though, it was a good book. I just wasn’t prepared for the underwhelming end to the story.