A review by laurelthebooks
All Is Not Lost: 20 Ways to Revolutionize Disaster by Alex Zamalin, Alex Zamalin

"Have faith that growing up is a worthwhile activity to be embraced, not a mindless chore to be tolerated. "

"20 Examples" may be more accurate than "20 Ways", but Zamalin does provide a few options for what can be done in the future with some of said examples.

Zamalin chose to actively focus on optimism in response to private, public, large, and small disasters in this book. He occasional skirts around some of the consequences for actions, and many of his suggestions are only employable with a robust support structure, but there are some useful nuggets for perseverance instead of despair when things are dark. This isn't necessarily a direct guidebook, but it was a useful reminder that abandoning the effort to change things is not the answer.

Read for a dose of positivity in a world beset by tragedy, and I recommend it for people who often think "why bother to try" in response to actively supporting change. If you're already determined to actively pursue positive change this may feel like a shallow read to you - or you may feel it bolsters your attempts!

I may not be 100% behind everything in this book, and there is much in here that I would like to believe yet struggle to, but I am glad to have read it.