A review by loop
Buzzkill by Mark Reznicek, Donny Cates


Overall I was fairly disappointed. This isn't a bad comic by any means, but the concept could've been explored so much more. There were a lot of ideas here but none of them ever get explored above surface level. All of these plot points have been explored more deeply in almost any other comic or movie about addiction, and while using the superhero thing as a metaphor is a neat idea, it ends up not being very satisfying in the end. I'd love to see more heroing and how each drug affects him differently, both power-wise and psychologically. I'd love to get a deeper exploration of addiction from a superhero lens, instead of this odd mashup of ideas. A couple extra issues would've gone a long way in fleshing out these half-cooked concepts. That said, the writing wasn't bad and the art by Geoff Shaw is amazing. Reminds me a lot of Sean Gordon Murphy. Lauren Affe also did a great job on colors. Unfortunately this book lives up to its name: it's a bit of a buzzkill. 6.5/10