A review by c1aud55n
Of Curses and Kisses by Sandhya Menon


This book seemed like it had a lot of potential.

Sure the writing wasn’t the best but it wasn’t bad either and the characters were all likeable (apart from Jaya, who was mildly annoying at times).

The book really wowed me in the firsr three quarters it was a light fluffy romance and i enjoyed it.

The last quarter was what knocked down the book two stars.

It veered from the romance a little too much for my liking but I would’ve been able to overlook that had Jaya not gotten on my last nerve. Apart from being completely and utterly idiotic the main conflict of the novel was just boring and the resolution of the romance was underwhelming to say the least.

I liked this first book enough that I’ll probably give the second book a read when it comes out.