A review by leabookjoy
Dark Skye by Kresley Cole


French & English reviews

Ahhhhh enfin l'histoire tant attendue de Lanthe et Thronos <3 Un énorme passé entre eux, beaucoup de malentendus, de haine, d'horreurs ... Mais je les ai tellement adoré <3 J'ai adoré avoir leurs deux points de vue (leurs doutes, leurs espoirs ...) mais aussi voir tous leurs secrets se dérouler devant nos yeux (même si j'aurais préféré avoir un gros affrontement entre Thronos et son frère ><)
(Par contre Morgana, QUELLE PÉTASSE !! Autant je l'avais adoré dans le livre avec l'un des Dacians, autant là ... Personnellement, je l'aurais exécuté sur place ><)
Bref, un livre encore une fois qui m'a fait vivre dans le Lore comme si j'y étais <3

PS : je veux tellement en apprendre plus sur les Møriør ><
PS2 : trop mignonnes les jumelles de Holly et Cadeon ><


Ahhhhh finally the long-awaited story of Lanthe and Thronos <3 A huge past between them, a lot of misunderstandings, hatred, horrors ... But I loved them so much <3 I loved having their two points of view (their doubts, their hopes ...) but also to see all their secrets unfold before our eyes (although I would have preferred to have a big confrontation between Thronos and his brother ><)
(On the other hand, Morgana, WHAT B*TCH !! As much as I had adored her in the book with one of the Dacians, there ... Personally, I would have destroyed her ><)
In short, a book once again that made me live in the Lore as if I was there <3

PS: I want so much to learn more about the Møriør ><
PS2: Too cute the twins of Holly and Cadeon ><